Dame Otoko & Fuckboys

ダメ男 ダメおとこ
I learned this word when discussing the links that had been drawn between the new Joker and incels. I was teaching the word “incel” to a male university student. He likened it to ダメ男 which he explained as ‘hopeless/ useless men’. Later, when I told C I had just learned this word, he said the examples he had heard were very harshly applied to husbands by shrewd and demanding wives. Basically it’s a harsh word applied to loser men, but can also be used in other ways to criticize people/ women also: ダメ人間・ダメ女.

洒落臭い しゃらくさい
In Terrace House Tokyo 2019-2020 Part 3 Episode 31 Yamachan says something for which the English subtitle translation was ‘fuckboy’. I stopped and rewound that part to hear what he said. It was 洒落せ which apparently means “impertinent, impudent, cheeky” according to jisho.org Hats off to the Terrace House translators, because in the context of the episode, ‘fuckboy’ was the perfect word choice. 

Terrace House Tokyo 2019 – 2020 Part 3 Ep 31

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